1. Install Decap CMS

A static admin folder contains all Decap CMS files, stored at the root of your published site. Where you store this folder in the source files depends on your static site generator. Here's the static file location for a few of the most popular static site generators:

These generators store static files in
Jekyll, GitBook / (project root)
Hugo, Gatsby, Nuxt 2, Gridsome, Zola, Sapper, SvelteKit /static
Next, Nuxt 3, Astro /public
Hexo, Middleman, Jigsaw /source
Wyam /input
Pelican /content
Spike /views
VuePress /.vuepress/public
Elmstatic /_site
11ty /_site
preact-cli /src/static
Docusaurus /static
MkDocs /site
Lume /_site

If your generator isn't listed here, you can check its documentation, or as a shortcut, look in your project for a css or images folder. The contents of folders like that are usually processed as static files, so it's likely you can store your admin folder next to those. (When you've found the location, feel free to add it to these docs by filing a pull request!)

Inside the admin folder, you'll create two files:

 ├ index.html
 └ config.yml

The first file, admin/index.html, is the entry point for the Decap CMS admin interface. This means that users navigate to yoursite.com/admin/ to access it. On the code side, it's a basic HTML starter page that loads the Decap CMS JavaScript file.

The second file, admin/config.yml, is the heart of your Decap CMS installation, and a bit more complex. The Configuration section covers the details.

In this example, we pull the admin/index.html file from a public CDN.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
    <title>Content Manager</title>
    <!-- Include the script that builds the page and powers Decap CMS -->
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/decap-cms@^3.0.0/dist/decap-cms.js"></script>

In the code above the script is loaded from the unpkg CDN. Should there be any issue, jsDelivr can be used as an alternative source. Simply set the src to https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/decap-cms@^3.0.0/dist/decap-cms.js

Installing with npm

You can also use Decap CMS as an npm module. Wherever you import Decap CMS, it automatically runs, taking over the current page. Make sure the script that imports it only runs on your CMS page.

First install the package and save it to your project:

npm install decap-cms-app --save

Then import it (assuming your project has tooling for imports):

import CMS from "decap-cms-app";
// Initialize the CMS object
// Now the registry is available via the CMS object.
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("my-template", MyTemplate);

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