Editorial Workflows

By default, saving a post in the CMS interface pushes a commit directly to the publication branch specified in backend. However, you also have the option to edit the Publish Mode, which adds an interface for drafting, reviewing, and approving posts. To do this, add the following line to your Decap CMS config.yml:

# This line should *not* be indented
publish_mode: editorial_workflow

From a technical perspective, the workflow translates editor UI actions into common Git commands:

Actions in Netlify UI Perform these Git actions
Save draft Commits to a new branch (named according to the pattern cms/collectionName/entrySlug), and opens a pull request
Edit draft Pushes another commit to the draft branch/pull request
Approve and publish draft Merges pull request and deletes branch

Note: Editorial workflow works with GitHub repositories, and support for GitLab and Bitbucket.

Bitbucket Support

In order to track unpublished entries statuses the Bitbucket implementation uses pull requests comments.

GitLab Support

In order to track unpublished entries statuses the GitLab implementation uses merge requests labels.

Squash merge GitHub pull requests

When using the Editorial Workflow with the github or GitHub-connected git-gateway backends, Decap CMS creates a pull request for each unpublished entry. Every time the unpublished entry is changed and saved, a new commit is added to the pull request. When the entry is published, the pull request is merged, and all of those commits are added to your project commit history in a merge commit.

The squash merge option causes all commits to be "squashed" into a single commit when the pull request is merged, and the resulting commit is rebased onto the target branch, avoiding the merge commit altogether.

To enable this feature, you can set the following option in your Decap CMS config.yml:

  squash_merges: true

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