Dynamic Default Values

When linking to /admin/#/collections/posts/new you can pass URL parameters to pre-populate an entry.

For example given the configuration:

  - name: posts
    label: Posts
    folder: content/posts
    create: true
      - label: Title
        name: title
        widget: string
      - label: Object
        name: object
        widget: object
          - label: Title
            name: title
            widget: string
      - label: body
        name: body
        widget: markdown

clicking the following link: /#/collections/posts/new?title=first&object.title=second&body=%23%20content

will open the editor for a new post with the title field populated with first, the nested object.title field with second and the markdown body field with # content.

Note: URL Encoding might be required for certain values (e.g. in the previous example the value for body is URL encoded).


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