New Gatsby plugin for Decap is now available

by Martin Jagodic on February 5, 2024

The deprecated gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms that corresponds to the old Netlify CMS package is now deprecated and replaced by gatsby-plugin-decap-cms.

To migrate you Gatsby site from Netlify CMS 2 to Decap CMS 3:

  1. uninstall gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms and netlify-cms-app
  2. install gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms and decap-cms-app
  3. replace the import import CMS from "netlify-cms-app" with import CMS from "decap-cms-app"
  4. in gatsby config replace resolve: "gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms" with resolve: "gatsby-plugin-decap-cms"

An example of a migration can be found in this PR on the Decap-Gatsby starter template.

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